Broekspruit, Xmas Island, Gariep Dam. December 2020.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. "C.S. Lewis"

Broekspruit, Xmas Island, Gariepdam.

Main gate Gariep Dam. Straight ahead to FSYC, Free State Yacht Club and to the right lies the popular Forever Resort.


With some trail and error we eventually managed to fit everything into the car and boat. We freezed 22 one litre Coke bottles (filled with water) and placed them in our large cooler box. We then packed our frozen meat(sealed in ziplock bags) and butter between  the frozen bottles. This was our freezer experiment that proved to had worked excellent in keeping the meat fresh and provide us with cold drinking water during our trip.

 Due to  Covid 19 😷 restrictions we could only depart after 04H00 AM on Saturday the 19th of December. As soon as we left the rutal area, at only about 4km's out of town we had a catastrophic tyre failure on one of the boat trailer's tyres.  We replaced it with the sparewheel and returned home immediately. 🙄.

 I contacted a local tyre shop and enquired about some heavy duty comercial type tyres for the boat trailer. Luckily their delivery truck was in Pretoria at the time and could bring us the two tyres requested. By 11H00 the tyres arrived and were fitted onto the wheel rims. They had a higher profile and also a higher ply rating, meaning that they could carry a heavier load than normal low profile car tyres. I fitted the wheels and we decided to leave early the next morning. 


Na n paar keer se in en uitpak kon ons uiteindelik alles ordelik in die kar en boot inkry. Ons het 22 een liter Coke bottels met drinkwater gevries en in ons groot koeler box gesit. Tussen die bottles het ons ons gevriesde vleis(in Ziplock sakkies) en botter geplaas. Hierdie was ons vrieskas eksperiment wat uitstekend tot sy reg gekom het deur ons vleis vars te hou en koue drinkwater te voorsien  gedurende die trip. 

As gevolg van  Covid 19 😷beperkings mag ons eers na 04H00 die oggend vertrek het.  Ons was skaars uit die dorp uit toe een van die boot trailer bande katastrofies ingegee het. Ons het die spaarwiel opgesit en dadelik weer huistoe gegaan☹️. Ek het n lokale bande plek gekontak ivm. sterker industrieële tiepe bande. Gelukkig was hul trok in Pretoria en kon die bande saam gebring word. Teen 12 uur was die nuwe bande oorgetrek en kon ek die wiele gaan opsit.  Ons het besluit om die volgende oggend te ry.

On Sunday afternoon the 20th of December 2020 we arrived at Gariep Dam. The ambient  temperature was 36°C when we arrived. A strong westerly wind was blowing. We decided to rest at the Yacht Club and waited until weather conditions improved. We joined the Free State Yacht Club for the month of  December.  We slept in our boat on the trailer on shore that night. We were glad we were not on the water as the stormwind blew throughout the night.

Toe ons by Gariepdam aankom het daar n stormsterk westewind gewaai en dit was vrek warm, 36°C! 😰 Vickus het gereël dat ons by die Klub aansluit vir die maand van Desember en dus kon ons die klubhuis, kombuis en ablusie geriewe gebruik. Ons het rustig verkeer en die aand in die boot op die trailer aan wal geslaap. Ook maar goed want die wind het die hele nag so sterk gewaai.⚓️

During the night the hot stormy wind dissipated and the next morning we were greeted by calmness and mirror like waters!

The next day we launched the boat and packed our stuff into it the for the trip. The storm wind subsided, but it was cloudy. We took the boat out into the Main Basin and cruised for an hour(5km's) to test and check all systems while Ronél organised the sleeping places and kitchen inside the cabin.

Die volgende dag het ons die boot te water gelaat en voorbereiding vir die trip begin doen. Die wind het gaan lê maar dit was bewolk. Ons het vir n uur in die hoofdam gaan rondvaar om die boot se solar elektriese kragsisteem te toets terwyl Ronél die kombuis binne die kajuit gereed gekry het.

On Tuesday, the 22nd, it rained continuously and we decided to tour around the dam by car. We visited Bethulie, drove over the mighty Orange River at the longest bridge in South Africa, the Hennie Steyn Bridge. When we saw the water inflow and speed into the Gariep Dam, we realized that our boat might not be able to penetrate in against it. There and then we decided to make our mission to cruise to Broekspruit and out of the Gariep dam, following it to underneath the bridge on the road R390 and back. We then drove over the Broekspruit at the bridge where the road R390 crossed it. Crossing underneath this bridge with our solar boat was the latest main challenge we set for ourselves, it could be possible, as the dam level was already 80% full and rising. 

Dinsdag die 22ste het dit aanhoudend gereën en ons het per motor die area gaan verken. Ons het by Bethulie aangedoen en by Pep Stores vir ons elkeen n paar off-road plakkies aangeskaf. Ons het op die Hennie Steyn brug gaan parkeer en die Oranje Rivier dopgehou wat die Gariepdam voed. Dit het breed en sterk geloop en daar het ons besef dat ons boot heel moontlik nie teen die sterk stroom sou kon uitvaar nie. Ons het net daar en dan besluit om Broekspruit as n uitdaging te gaan doen en om Xmas Island op Kersdag te gaan besoek. Met die Dam wat reeds 80% vol was en elke dag styg sou dit moontlik wees om uit op Broekspruit te vaar tot onderdeur die brug op die R390 pad. 

That late afternoon the cloud cover began dissipating and we slept in our "new" boat on the water for the very first time that evening!. The weather forecast for the next few days and beyond Christmas day was light to moderate winds with clear skies.

Daardie laatmiddag het die onweer begin opklaar. Die weervoorspelling het aangedui dat dit van Woensdag die 23ste mooiweer sou wees vir die volgende paar dae. Ons het vir die eerstekeer in ons "nuwe" boot op die water geslaap!😎

The mid mounted solar panels folded out.

Power was sufficient so that we could run both motors at full speed at times.

 Indeed, the next morning at 07H20 we cruised out of the harbor in perfect conditions for solar boating.  By 09H00 we were using both the 40lbs and 65lbs Trolling motors at full power, reaching a speed of 6.5km/h. We cruised through the Main Basin eastwards, entered Mud Plain Basin through Porcupine Passage, went past Zimbabwe cliffs and made a wide turn in Mud Plain to avoid a dangerous stone outcrob and continued north east into Springbok Basin. Leaving Springbok Basin and entering Middle Basin eastwards the huge tower at Oviston was not yet visible. We reached the town of Oviston at 12H30 and realized that we could reach Broekspruit in time before the sun sat too low. We carried on and entered the vast Oviston Basin, turning north into it, navigating in the center of the waterway. The next landmarks to indicate entry into Broekspruit Basin were Lions Head and Tikinie Heads, two prominent hills on the northern horizon. We turned east at  Lions Head into Broekspruit Basin and headed for Wildeiland. Near the Broekspruit entrance into the dam the water became muddy red and we had to steer carefully due to a large amount of driftwood present. Entering the narrow Broekspruit from the dam was really beautiful and interesting. It forms a narrow  passage with high rocky cliffs on both sides. Huge stones stacked on each other resembled the ancient Inca civilization buildings. After only a short cruise the ravine suddenly opened wider to form a small lake surrounded by mountains with high cliffs. Time was just after 15H00, distance covered was 46km's and we decided to spend the afternoon and night there. We docked next to a high cliff, secured the boat and enjoyed the quietness in supreme unspoiled beautiful nature.  

Nearing Sonop Island in the Main Basin.

In the centre of Main Basin.

Woensdag oggend het ons net na 07H00 in perfekte sonboot weerskondisies uit die hawe begin vaar vir Broekspruit. Oviston was geoormerk as n slaapplek sou ons laat daar aankom. Ons het egter n ligte wind ook van agter gehad en teen 09H00 kon ons met twee motors volkrag vaar teen n spoed van tot 6.5km/u. Ons het die Hoofdam uitgevaar deur Porcupine Passage en verby Zimbabwe ruines tot in Mud Plain Basin. Moes n wye draai in Mud Plain doen om die gevreesde Porcupine koppie wat net-net bo die water uitsteek te vermei. Toe het ons noordoos gedraai na Springbok dam en uit Springbokdam oos gedraai in Middeldam vir Oviston. Teen 12H30 het ons Oviston bereik en omdat ons baie goed gevorder het het ons besluit om die vreemde aan te pak en deur te druk na Broekspruit. Ovistondam is ongeveer 25km lank en ons moes kophou met die navigasie om die uitgang na Broekspruit dam akkuraat te identifiseer. Ons het Broekspruitdam binne gevaar deur tussen  twee prominente koppies, Lions Head en Tikinie Heads deur te vaar. Die vaart in Ovistondam was noord en in Broekspruitdam oostekant toe. Ons kon die berge wat soos n  kaapse Tafelberg lyk op die horison sien en dit is ook daar waardeur die Broekspruit in die dam invaar. Ons moes noord om Wildeiland vaar en daar het die water oranje modderig begin geword met baie opdrifsels en drywende boomtakke en stompe, moontlik agv. n donderstorm in Broekspruit se opvangs gebied vroeër. Broekspruit vloei die dam binne deur n nou ingang met klipkoppe weerskante. Dit was besonders mooi en uniek met groot rotse wat opmekaar lê en soos die mure van die ou Inka beskawing se geboue lyk. Waterdiepte was 32voet maar ons het stadig gevaar vir n kans om die mooi natuurskoon behoorlik in te neem. Die nou ingang het skielik verbreed om n dam te vorm, Hoe berge en koppe met regaf kranse was oral en ons het besluit om net daar aan wal te anker vir die namiddag en aand. Dit was n besondere unieke plek en ook beskut teen die meeste windrigtings. Daar was visarende. witkruisarende en baie watervoëls oral. Ons het Bobejane se geblaf ook vêr-af in die berge gehoor.

Zimbabwe rotsformasies.

Mudplain Basin ingang.

Ronél  besig om n lekker maaltyd voor te berei.

The vastness of Middle Basin.

Middel Basin se waters strek baie wyd.

Ronèl  het ook háár deel met stuur gedoen!

Ons Sonboot geluidloos op roete na waar die Broekspruit in die Gariepdam invloei.

 The day before Christmas at 06H30 we cruised slowly out of Gariepdam into the country on Broekspruit. We passed a  mountain with high rocky cliffs and saw some baboons watching us from high up.  With each bend in the ravine the hills became smaller and we encountered many water birds on the banks and in the water. The ravine became shallower as we neared the bridge on the R390. We slowly approached the bridge with our eyes glued to the depth indicator. We passed underneath the bridge in only 5 feet deep water! We reached our milestone!

Satellite map of the route into Broekspruit.

The challenge to reach the bridge became a real expedition as the water depth became shallower and shallower as we neared our destination!

The sheltered bay in Broekspruit. 

Majestic cliffs on both sides of Broekspruit near the entry into the Dam.

Broekspruit widens abruptly into a large strech of water.

Ronèl  relaxing on the rocks at the high cliff's edge.

The very first visit of a Solar Powered Boat on the Broekspruit ravine.

Broekspruit  widens to form a small dam.

Solar Boat "Luné" in Broekspruit. 

Early morning in Broekspruit.

We left our sleepover spot early for the R390 bridge challenge.

The majestic hill where we saw the baboons.

Sentinels watching us cruising by.

Ever changing landscapes.

Nature's statues. 

Green Valleys.

Road R390's bridge over Broekspruit. 

Many waterbirds were seen.

Our solar power system performed flawlessly. 

  Interesting  rock formations were       seen frequently. 

The Broekspruit "monster" 👀 watching us from his cave entrance.

Vroeg die oggend het ons uitgevaar op Broekspruit om die brug te probeer haal. Die spruit se water het geleidelik vlakker geword. Verder weg van die dam het die koppe kleiner geword en plekke was daar plat vlaktes met lower groen gras. Oral was voellewe en om Kolganse met kuikens tee te kom was baie besonders. Toe ons die brug gewaar was die diepte slegs 8voet, maar ons het stadig nader gevaar om ons doel te probeer bereik. Ons het dit gemaak tot onderdeur  die brug en met die omdraai was daar skaars 5 voet water onder ons. Ons kon met volkrag terug vaar tot in die Hoofdam. Dit was 41km tot by n beskutte baai daar en naby Xmas Island. Beplanning was om op Kersdag op Xmas Island n Picnic te hou. Die Broekspruit trip was onvergeetlik en om die hele grootte Gariepdam vir onsself te he was iets besonders om te ervaar.

Cruising back we used full power and reached the Main Basin by 15H00. We found a sheltered bay near Xmas Island to spend the night. The distance traveled from Broekspruit to this bay was 41km. We returned to the Main Basin to be near Xmas Island because we planned to have a picnic on Christmas day on Xmas Island. Weather was perfect and we had a braai on the beach and a good night's sleep. It was a very special feeling to have all of the vastness of Gariep Dam for ourselves!

In the sheltered bay near Xmas Island.

We were not alone!

The view from a nearby hill.

Perfect weather  conditions. 
We named this bay Rondeklip bay.

🌄On Christmas morning it was perfect calm  conditions, the water was mirror smooth 🌅. We slowly cruised out of the bay using every second to take in the special scenery. Xmas Island was only 3km away and we found a nice safe place to go ashore and secure the boat. We went on land and walked along the rocky shore looking for a picknic spot. We suddenly found ourselves being attacked by hundreds of thousands of 🐜 army ants! We had to do some fast tapdancing 🏃to get rid of the ants! This is where Ronél slipped, fell and hurt herself  badly. We tapdanced our way back to the boat and prepared our Christmas brunch on the boat. We barbecued boerewors fried🍳eggs  and served it with baked beans and 🥫sweetcorn. For dessert we had instant pudding🍮 and Koo yellow peach halves with custard. It felt like Christmas! 🎅

The view from Xmas Island towards the south east.

The Solar Boat replenishing its batteries.... bathing in sunshine!

Ongelukke kom skielik!

Dit was Kersfees oggend windstil en ons het stadig uit ons oornag baai op spieëlgladde water gevaar. Xmas Island was net 3km verder en ons het daar aan wal gegaan op soek na n goeie picnic plek. Dis n rotsagtige eiland en skielik het ons besef dat daar honderde duisende Balbyter miere op die grond wemel wat ons aanval! Ons het met vinnige danspassies die miere probeer vermy en dis toe dat Ronèl gegly en op haar stuitjie geval en erg beseer het. Ons het ons na die boot gehaas en moes nootgedwonge ons kersmaal op die boot maak. Ek het vir ons boerewors gebraai terwyl Ronel, seer bout en al, vir ons eiers gebak het. Ons het die wors en eiers met n botterbroodjie geniet, Instant pudding met Koo halwe geelperskes en vla was vir nagereg. Dit het soos Kersfees gevoel! 

With bellies full, Ronél was made as comfortable as possible. For her to sit down was very painfull and barely possible. We cruised the 10km's back to the FSYC and spend the afternoon resting and nursing the injured sore bum!

Teen die tyd was Ronél se seer stuitjie baie ongemaklik en met vol pensies het sy haar sit so gemaklik as moontlik probeer maak. Ons het  die 10km terug FSYC toe gevaar en die agtermiddag rustig geneem en die seer boutjies met Deep Heat ingevryf.

Because Broekspruit was such a special and unforgettable experience and with Ronél's injury we decided to end the expedition, packed and went home.

Broekspruit was n onbeskryflike hoogtepunt en ons was tevrede met wat ons bereik het. Met Ronél se besering in ag geneem het ons besluit om te pak en huistoe te gaan.

Next: 👉 Vanderkloof Dam.

Voorbereiding vir Vanderkloofdam het dadelik in erns begin. Om dié dam se waters te gaan verken was nog altyd op ons te-doen lys. Hierbo 👆is n link na ons eerste verkenningsvaart daar.


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