The Beginning of our Solar boating experience. January 2016.
Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.
We accepted a gift in the form of a small pontoon sailing boat from my brother-in-law who is now living with his family in Townsville Australia. It lacked sails and rigging. Those are all very expensive items, but we felt the need to get this boat onto the water and propel it in some way.
Ons het by my Swaer Stefan n weggegooide Halcat pontoon seilboot gekry. Dit het nie seile of kabels gehad nie. Ek hou baie daarvan om op die water te wees en om die natuur te bewonder. Ek moes n plan kry om nuwe lewe in die bootjie te blaas.
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Our Halcat sailing boat converted into an electric powered boat. |
August 2016
I decided to try electric propulsion and bought a small trolling motor and a 12V lead acid battery.
Ek het besluit om elektriese aandrywing te probeer, n 40lbs trolling motor en n 12V battery was aangeskaf.
A wooden deck was constructed onto the boat. A transom to clamp the motor on was constructed at the rear and the battery was placed in a wooden box that also formed the seat for the pilot.
n Hout dek was gebou en n houtkis, wat ook as sitplek gedien het, het die battery gehuisves. Agter aan die dek het ek n houtbalk aangebring waaraan die trolling motor geklamp is.
We took the boat to a nearby dam and with our very first cruise we just loved the quietness and smoothness and were surprised by the speed it cruised. It was not a speed boat but we managed to explore the whole of Taaibosspruitdamdam within an hour. The boat cruised in total silence, allowing us to have normal conversations and we could hear the wild geese, ducks and other birds. We could also come very close to the birds without scaring them off.
Vir ons eerste ondervinding met ons elektriese aangedrewe boot het ons op Coligny se Taaibosspruitdam gaan vaar. Ons was aangenaam verras hoe stil en vinnig die boot beweeg en was beindruk met die groot afstand wat ons binne n uur kon aflΓͺ. Die boot vaar in algehele stilte en die watervoΓ«ls se geroep was duidelik hoorbaar en ons kon tot baie naby aan hulle kom. Hierdie was n unieke ervaring en ons wou meer daarvan ondervind.
(Watch a Youtube video of our solar boat taken on Taaibosspruit Dam.π (Cruising video)
How could we extend our cruising range?π€
Ons sou graag heeldag so wou vaar maar die battery hou nie so lank nie. Ons moes n manier vind om heeldag te kon vaar.
Lead acid batteries are the cheapest, but very, very heavy! On the other hand, Lithium batteries are much lighter but very, very expensive! What about using solar power PV panels? Will solar power be sufficient to power such a small boat? How much area of solar panels will be required to make a practical solar powered boat?
Ons kon meer loodsuur batterye aanboord dra, maar hulle is vrek swaar! Litium batterye is baie ligter maar ongelooflik duur! Solar krag kan dalk die oplossing bied. Hoeveel Solar panele sal benodig word? Is daar genoeg oppervlak beskikbaar, sal dit prakties haalbaar wees om n solar elektriese boot sΓ³ aan te dryf?
Next:π The solar challenge was on!
☝️Die uitdaging was aanvaar en n ondersoek om Solar krag te gebruik is begin.
This is great