Second Gariep Dam Adventure. August 2017.
People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.
Early morning at the Free State Yacht Club. |
To improve buoyancy we had to make the boat lighter. We removed the heavy construction that carried the solar panels above. The solar panel placement were altered to the front of the boat. The heavy wooden deck was replaced by an aluminium deck. We constructed a lightweight collapsable canopy with an overhead sail to protect us from the sun. We tested the new setup at a local dam and were happy with the results. The plan was to begin our cruise on the 20th of August 2017, on my 60th birthday.
Me, Phillip, 60 years young! |
All went well with the trip to Gariep and we began our cruise at 8 Am on the 20th. Footloose were there again to escort us but only minutes after we left they informed us that their navigation equipment had failed. We were on our own! Winds were moderate and some cirrus clouds were present. We soon realized that power performance were down and hardly enough to keep us going, especially in cloudy conditions. We managed to cruise for only 14km's and was forced to find a place ashore to camp for the night. We found a sheltered bay to camp in. With plenty of driftwood available we soon had a bonfire going and had a traditional South African braai, it was my birthday after all!
Our lighter boat with the sunshade folded down. |
Our own private bay for the night! |
Getting our tent ready for the night. |
The next morning we were awakened by some antelope hissing at us for invading their drinking spot. We packed our gear and decided to cruise back to the starting point as there was an unknown problem with our boat's power system and also Windfinder predicted that stormy weather was approaching.
Alhoewel ons nie na wense gevorder het hierdie keer nie was die kamp in n beskutte baai baie spesiaal. Ons het my 60ste verjaarsdag die aand met n braai by n kampvuur gevier. Vroeg oggend het n klompie wildsbokke ons met n geproes wakkergemaak toe hulle die vreemde tent en boot by hul drinkplek gewaar. Daar was iets drasties fout met ons boot se kragstelsel, ons het die ekspedisie kortgeknip en teruggekeer na die veiligheid van die FSYC.
Blokkies and Anne-Marie with Footloose joined us near Apies Bay and we shared some coffee and rusks while slowly cruising alongside each other in mirror like conditions.
I knew something was wrong with our boat's power setup, but could not figure it out yet. It was the same equipment, but the power were down with a great margin. I did eventually solve the problem, but that is a technical story for later.
Die foutiewe kragstelsel moet herstel word voordat enige ekspedisie weer aangepak kon word.
Next:👉 Third Gariep Dam Expedition
Met die terugkeer by die huis het ons weereens groot veranderinge en verbeteringe aan die boot se romp asook die kragstelsel aangebring.
Kliek hierbo ☝️ vir details daarvan en ons 3de Ekspedisie op Gariepdam
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