Broekspruit, Xmas Island, Gariep Dam. December 2020.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. " C.S. Lewis" Broekspruit, Xmas Island, Gariepdam . Main gate Gariep Dam. Straight ahead to FSYC, Free State Yacht Club and to the right lies the popular Forever Resort. Preparation . With some trail and error we eventually managed to fit everything into the car and boat. We freezed 22 one litre Coke bottles (filled with water) and placed them in our large cooler box. We then packed our frozen meat(sealed in ziplock bags) and butter between the frozen bottles. This was our freezer experiment that proved to had worked excellent in keeping the meat fresh and provide us with cold drinking water during our trip. Due to Covid 19 😷 restrictions we could only depart after 04H00 AM on Saturday the 19th of December. As soon as we left the rutal area, at only about 4km's out of town we had a catastrophic tyre failure on one of the boat trailer's tyres. We replaced it with the sparewheel and returned home i...